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Educação Integral

We collaborate to eradicate extreme poverty and injustices committed against children and their families around the landfill of Jardim Gramacho.


We promote, through unity and cooperation, opportunities for mutual growth where the individual is affected as he sees the collective. The project interacts with and intervenes in the 4 Pillars of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Right to survival - access to basic health, health promotion and prevention, the Right to development - access to formal and non-formal education, the Right to protection - right to be protected against exploitation, violence, access to documentation; the Right of participation - right to express their own opinion, express themselves and understand their history.)


Together with the community, this becomes a strategic point where the child learns how to build and access his identity and citizenship. He also learns to cope and coexist in harmony with his micro and macro scenery. Through actions in the areas of health, education and economics, based on real needs, we generate together a fairer and transformed scenario.


We work with the individual in the period in which he is building self-confidence (6 - 12 years) and his internal sociology (9 to 17 years of age), while constructing his perception of the world and defining the values ​​that will lead his decision-making processes from different segments of society.


Consequently, we also connect with their families through different income generation programs.


A Workbook with Methodology and Curriculum developed to meet the at-risk child and his family has been developed. This methodology encompasses holistic development (intellectual, physical, social and emotional) according to the child's / adolescent's age.

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